Human Foosball

It’s BACK!!! 

This totally unique Human Foosball court was designed and built by local craftspeople and is the only one of its kind – here or anywhere else! Happening all weekend at Rogue Fest 2023, Human Foosball is an awesome and hilarious way to get your sportsing on!

How does it work? Welllllllllllllllllllllllll……………….

Objective: Fun and hilarity.

Participants: 6 per team (5 physical on-site players and 1 person operating the goalie who is off-site)

How to Play: The game is similar to table top foosball but with real people.

  • Players must face the opposite team’s goal.
  • Players must hold onto the hand holds on the piping with both hands at all times.
  • The game starts by the referee rolling the ball into play from the mid-court starting area.
  • Play continues until a penalty occurs, the ball is out of reach or out of bounds, ball is scored, or the time has expired. Follow restart procedures to continue playing.

Penalties: If any of the following occur, there will be a penalty called (and a yellow card issued) and the ball will be placed at the feet of one of the non-offending players from the opposite team by the referee. If they player commits a second penalty, they will be issued a red card and ejected from the game.

  • If a player kicks the ball above the foosball piping. The ball must remain below the piping level at all times.
  • If a player kicks the ball out of bounds (out of the playing area).
  • If a player let’s go of the piping during play.
  • If a player uses their hands. If they let go of the foosball pole and touch the ball with their arms or hands, it will be a penalty and the will be issued a warning.

1st offense – yellow ticket, 2nd offense – red ticket

Starting the Game: The game is started by rolling the ball from the starting area by the referee.

Restart Procedures:

  • When a goal is scored, the game is restarted by rolling the ball from the starting area.
  • When the ball rolls out of bounds, the ball should be retrieved and rolled toward the non-offending team.
  • If the ball cannot be reached in the playing area, the ball should be rolled from the starting area.

Finishing the Game:

The game is over when the time expires.

The game referee will tally and provide the final score.

Time: 15 minutes