Festivals Aren’t Dead – Rogue Fest Goes Virtual

Starts with a retrospective slide show, and the fun begins at 15:03

Rogue Fest 2020, in its original conception, could not have taken place. Cancelling an event that many have put so much heart and countless hours into was a disappointing necessity. Our whole industry along with its professionals, supporters, and artists felt the economic and social repercussions. We were all thrown a major curveball. 

But if the arts community is anything, it’s resilient. 

The dedication and ambition to continue providing and supporting the arts despite the many hurdles that that now comes with it has been inspiring. The community banded together and together they speak of hope and versatility. 

Your Rogue Fest is onboard with these sentiments. We have been working hard on finding ways to bring you the celebratory, community spirited events you have grown to love. Navigating the murky waters hasn’t been easy but we are confident that we can sustain the weight and come out the other end. 

While they may not look the same for the time being, festivals are not dead.

On January 23rd, 2021 we were thrilled to be able to showcase a diverse sampling of 2020 Rogue Fest artists while celebrating the volunteers, venders, staff and supporters that have made us who we are today. We hope you enjoy and have a Rogueing good time rawking out to some kickass music!